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Ashleigh McHale

Having a parent in the forces meant I moved around frequently whilst growing up. As I result of this, I have a small circle of very close friends but no fear of jumping into new or unknown circumstances. I enjoy and thrive on new challenges with new people.


Music is a huge thing for me, I listen to everything and anything with main influences coming from rock, metal and alternative music. Live events of any genre are always on the cards and I’m usually always singing or humming.


I wanted to be a marine biologist growing up but I’ve got Thalassophobia so I just watch a lot of blue planet from the safety of my sofa! Beyond that, I never knew what I wanted to do growing up so I’ve got qualifications in psychology and mechanics and I spent a few years working in a garage. I still fix cars and tinker with motorbikes on the side, one day I’ll own a Mustang GT500 and my life will be complete!


In order for me to spend more time with my family and the people I love, I made some career choices 8 years ago which were the catalyst for my move to the natural stone world. I’ve honestly never looked back, the products, the people and the vast array of what can be achieved were completely unexpected but have resulted in a fire in my belly that’s not yet been dimmed!

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